We are excited to launch GetIdol’s NSFW game in beta. With GetIdol, we built interactive stories powered by AI users can explore freely. With Story Challenge mode, creators can now use a 4×4 word board to guide users through a scenario. Creators “challenge” the guest to role play towards 16 words that are relevant to the story. We also enable users to be rewarded with tokens if they win the challenge. Let’s take a peek at how Challenge mode works.
The Story Challenge

At the start, users are shown 16 words related to the scenario chosen by the scenario creator. The location of these words is randomized. Every time the word show up in an Idol’s reply, it is crossed out. So if one of the word is “pic”, and the word “picture”, “pic” or “tyPICally” shows up in the Idol’s reply, that word is crossed out.
Users have 4 winning rows. If the user (you) get 4 words in their winning row crossed out, you win. You do not know which rows belong to you.

You get to choose if you want to accept the challenge and how much tokens you want to use for the challenge. You can also choose nothing and just chat! In the current version, you get 2.5x tokens back if you win.
If a row not belonging to you is completed first, you lose. If two rows (your’s and the creator’s) are completed at the same time, it’s a draw.
It’s that simple. When you win or lose, you can continue to chat with the Idol.
Interact with AI according to the creator’s story
The purpose of the word board (the 4×4 set of words) is to orient users towards the scenario. It requires users to interact with the AI Idol according to a “story” to complete the scenario. This also requires skill in interacting with the AI idol. It also adds some excitement by allowing users to win tokens from a creator and vice versa.
We are inspired by the visual novel (eroge in Japanese) genre of games but we dislike the linear storylines and simplistic game play. We believe AI allows for more complex exploration and more open-ended interactions, especially for NSFW game.
Developing Westworld
We are exploring ways for users to more skillfully manage their AI Idol responses to achieve a win.
We also plan to add a tournament or leaderboard element as we move towards launching “themed story worlds”. In the story Westworld, AI called hosts occupy various themed worlds where visiting guests get to role play with the hosts in all sorts of funky ways. Think of us as an emerging Westworld – where Idols and scenarios all occupy a space in a broader story or theme. As we refine the Story Challenge mode, we will open it up to all creators for them to add to these themed worlds.
Remember it’s Your Idols Your Rules. – Laura from CS